Sunday, December 1, 2013

Python Eating a Drunk man is Fake.....

A Global Serial Killing Snake..Is it Real Or Fake? It is not the first time that you saw such a bizarre and jaw-dropping post. Every now and then you see a similar post in facebook or other social media websites.This is another one of them, a Fake one making rounds in social net.
Photo from Hoax-Slayer
Hoax-Slayer clarified that the man eating snake photo is a fake. The same serpent had “swallowed” someone in Indonesia and South Africa too few years back before eating someone in Kerala India. The Snake seemed to have existed since early 2002 when it appeared in the internet claiming to have eaten a 10 year old boy in Durban and then a women in South Africa followed by belly-filled with a grown man in Indonesia.  Strangely this Hulk Snake have eaten people all over the world to become a Global Serial-Killing Snake. The most recent  "A Python ate a person who was drunk and lying beside the liquor shop. News from Attapady, Kerala" was believed to be first tweeted by a fiance professional and then led to a viral 13000 retweets. This renewed old post is widely getting circulated in Facebook too. But whatever it is you need to agree that everytime this picture appeared it went viral,a real click puller.Posts with such ability to attract viewer's attention is a honeypot trap.   Amazon Gift Card - E-mail The problem with similar viral post is not the humor but its hidden intent. Such posts are easy targets to spread spams, malware and are often misused. So if you receive or see this post then just read it, drop your jaw, laugh it out and click delete. Here's few more pictures of the giant snakes found in google search.
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